
Development Trend of Automobile Injection Mold Industry

1. Personalized and high-end automobile consumption
With the improvement of residents' income, cars have gradually become a necessary means of travel for every family. On the one hand, due to the different consumption capacities of different groups and the great differences in individual needs, China's automobile consumption market presents obvious personalized characteristics. On the other hand, consumers are increasingly demanding for the safety and functions of automobiles. Under the background of the steady improvement of residents' consumption capacity, the consumption structure of China's automobile consumption market tends to be high-end. In order to adapt to the new trend of automobile consumption, both joint-venture car manufacturers and self owned brand car manufacturers actively seek for differentiation, innovate in model design, materials and parts selection, and electronics, and develop a variety of car models that meet the aesthetic characteristics, consumption habits and needs of Chinese consumers at different levels. The individualization and high-end of automobile consumption requires more kinds of interior and exterior trim parts, which puts forward higher requirements for the types, structural accuracy and manufacturing process of automobile interior and exterior trim molds. It is an important driving force for the development of automobile interior and exterior trim mold industry.
2. The cycle of new model development and old model change has been shortened
The introduction of new models and the acceleration of the upgrading of the original models have become an important feature of the development of China's automobile industry. On the premise of continuous improvement of residents' consumption ability, people's consumption concept and aesthetic pursuit are also constantly changing, which makes the selling period of a car gradually shorten. Whether it is a new model or an old model, it often involves the overall or partial update of the interior and exterior trim of the car, and these updates need to customize the corresponding interior and exterior trim molds. Therefore, the acceleration of the development of new models and the modification of old models has provided a huge market demand and development space for the development of the interior and exterior trim mold industry.
3. Vehicle lightweight
Automobile lightweight is an important direction of automobile development in the future, and also an inevitable trend of automobile industry development. On the one hand, vehicle lightweight can reduce energy consumption per unit mileage, save energy and reduce emissions, in line with the general trend of energy conservation and emission reduction. On the other hand, lightweight can improve the driving range and reduce "mileage anxiety", while the demand for lightweight of new energy vehicles is more urgent. As an important part of automobile, automobile interior and exterior trim has undertaken the mission of automobile lightweight development, and automobile manufacturers attach great importance to the lightweight of interior and exterior trim. The lightweight of automobile interior and exterior trim parts has put forward new requirements for the molding process of interior and exterior trim molds, which is an important driving force for the development of automobile interior and exterior trim mold industry.
For more information, please refer to the Research Report on Market Prospects and Investment Opportunities of China's Automotive Injection Mold Industry issued by China Commercial Industry Research Institute. Meanwhile, China Commercial Industry Research Institute also provides services such as industrial big data, industrial intelligence, industrial research reports, industrial planning, park planning, the 14th Five Year Plan, and industrial investment promotion.

